Dérive - Sing Me a Song (2015)

This was the first record where Dérive really felt like band that had come into our own. I remember writing the skeletons of the first three songs in the bedroom of my apartment in Northampton in two frenzied and weird summer afternoon in 2014. We recorded this at Dead Air that summer and then fielded an offer from a sort of hot independent label at the time. We put off putting this thing out for so long because they kept making us promises that they didn't follow through on and then we just put it out ourselves. A lot of people said we were making a mistake at the time but the owner of that label ended up getting outed as an abuser and their label fell apart so I'm glad we didn't put out a record with them after all. A lot of the lyrics in this are based on Rabindranath Tagore's Stray Birds. Every song on this record still holds up for me.